Meet Gary.

Gary is an experienced CBT therapist who has worked for many years in the NHS and in private hospitals. He's trained specifically for issues with health and weight management by the Beck Institute in Philadelphia.

Gary had a very busy schedule with 1:1 sessions and wanted a 1 to many premium offering.

I worked with Gary over 3 months and set the following objective:

Create an online business to teach the weight loss class in the 1 to many format online.


  • Online course launched and sales target met.
  • Online assists created and generating leads
  • Launch system created to consistently sell online classes (Gary is current launching his 3rd workshop within 6 months)

"Jon's private coaching sessions made all the difference. He encouraged, taught and coached me to be able to finally bring my online course out there into the world. I could not have done it with out him. I am now onto my next online course and am simply applying what we learnt together. "

"Jonathan patiently guided me step by step, helping me with marketing and building the modules. He explained what I have to do at each stage of the process making it so easy. I then launched my online course and sold it and have also gained the confidence to do it again"

Meet Aleks.

Aleksandra Altman helps consultants, directors and entrepreneurs get unstuck by giving them the clarity and confidence to create the life they want, on their own terms.

Like a lot of coaches Alexsandra was filling her schedule with 1:1 coaching sessions and wanted a 1 to many premium offering.

We worked together over 3 months and set the following objectives:

1. Create a premium online programme

 2. Market and Sell an online programme within 2 months


  • Lead generation running and generating consistent warm leads. 
  • Premium course built, launched and sales target met within 2 months. 

Meet Rani.

Rani Malkin went from having no course to building a list of 350 leads and selling his first online course in only 3 months.

Like a lot of businesses in 2020, Rani's business changed immensely and that's because a lot of his activities were face-to-face Chocolate workshops.... and were cancelled due to Covid. 

I worked with Rani over 3 months with the following objectives:

1. Build an online course that sells - FAST.  

2. Lead generation system 

3. Launch beta course


  • Facebook community created and currently at 450 people
  • Lead generation system built and currently with 350 warm leads (organically)
  • Pilot course launched and all course spaces filled

"I am a mum of 5 children and now fulfilling my dream of working less and earning more... "

Meet Faigy.

Fairy Lieberman, a mother of 5 who went from having an online course that didn't sell to an online course that is crushing it!

When I met Faigy, most of her clients were face-to-face and local and were not enrolling in her courses. 

The Objective we set was to create a clear online marketing strategy and build a framework to sell online courses consistently


  • Organic online marketing funnel created
  • Lead generation running and currently has 87 on a waitlist ing for her flagship course
  • Consistent predictable revenue through sold courses in 2020 and 1:1 coaching 

Meet Natalie.

Natalie Lue is a writer, podcaster and artist helping people eliminate emotional baggage clutter for better relationships, self-esteem and work. Her podcasts have reached 2 million downloads and her work has been quoted in The New York Times, BBC, LBS and many other media outlets.

I worked with Natalie over 3 months and we set the following objective:

Launch a brand new premium online course successfully and create a marketing funnel to generate ongoing leads and sales.


  • Built and delivered a high converting marketing funnel
  • Course launched and exceeded sales target by 25%
  • Created and tested a framework for future recurring income

" Jonathan took me through a process that included things I hadn’t done before like course validation and running a webinar. While it was challenging at times and took me way out of my comfort zone, I learned so much and had a really successful launch of my online course where I was 80% sold before I even delivered the webinar!"

What People Are Saying about my

Course Creation Courses.

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